Shower Filters
Did you know that an average person will absorb more THM’s (common carcinogens created by chlorination) via inhalation during one 10 min shower than by drinking 4 litres of unfiltered water? Unlike contaminants in drinking water, carcinogens in the shower are quickly absorbed directly into the body through the skin and lungs. Moreover, shower stalls function as an enclosed space to concentrate contaminants at 20 to 30 times higher levels. What’s a simple and effective solution? An Aquasana shower filter.
Aquasana shower filters are the best in the industry. Aquasana uses the best-of-class technologies to create an effective two-stage filter which greatly reduces chlorine, VOCs, THMs and other chemical contaminants from your shower water. Aquasana stays up to date on the most recent developments on water treatment and contamination issues, to continually improve our filter systems. The proof is in the product. Aquasana shower filters remove twice the amount of chlorine required for NSF shower certification. More importantly, they are one of the only shower filters capable of dealing with chloramine which cripples most shower filters.
Start using an Aquasana shower filter now for your health and cosmetic benefits.